Grants Ministry

Above Picture: An Engaging Communities Multi-Year Grant was awarded to United Community Church of Morrisville to support their Community Resource Hub. Featured are volunteers for "Breakfast on Us which offers not just a free meal but a coordinated supportive program of local community resources including necessities and health consults.


To foster vital, strategic, and impactful initiatives within and beyond the local UMC faith communities of New England.

Our Grants Ministry Program

Makes mission dreams possible!

Your support of the Grants Ministry is integral to the ability to continue to support these lifegiving programs in our community.

The life-giving ministries that our grants fund require three essential partners. 

FIRST - YOU! Grants are funded with annual gifts received from compassionate individuals and families, as well as designated income from our endowed funds. We put your financial gift to work by investing in local church ministries throughout New England.


SECOND - the local church or agency. Responding to God’s call to serve, they create a vision for new or expanded ministries critical to supporting healthy communities.


THIRD - the Foundation. The Foundation’s Grants Committee oversees, administers, and promotes the Grants Ministry Program. Together, we provide the resources needed to create change and to impact our communities.

Donate Now!

Hear from past grant recipients about the impact these grants make in our community!

Grant Opportunities

The Foundation offers the following grant opportunities below to help turn mission dreams into transforming ministries. Each fund has its own guidelines and requirements. Any questions please email David Abbott.

"I am currently at work (full-time job) and have tears of joy running down my face. Thank You from the bottom of my heart for the Gordon T. Hersey Fund grant. Bryantville UMC is a tiny church so being able to have the opportunity to do something this dynamic (offering community suppers and workshops to address local mental health issues) is just the blessing our community needs." - Pastor Sarah Wilson / Bryantville UMC / Bryantville MA

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